Privacy Policy

Learn more about how we protect your information below

Your privacy is important to me

Privacy Laws

All regulated healthcare professionals in Ontario, including RMTs, must follow provincial (PHIPA) and federal (PIPEDA) privacy laws when collecting, using, and storing personal information and personal health information. 

Personal information

As a regulated health professional, I must collect personal information about anyone who books a treatment with me. This may include: your name, contact information, date of birth, health status information, treatment history and more. This information is used to design your safe and effective treatment plan and/or to communicate with you regarding your care. 


All digital health information that I collect will be securely stored online, on Canadian servers and with password protection. This information must be stored for minimum 10 years by law, after which time it will be appropriately destroyed/deleted. 

Release of Information

Your personal health information will only be released to others under very specific circumstances: with your written consent or as required by law.  I may ask for your consent to release select information, for example to your health insurance provider. 

Requesting Access or Limits on Use

You may request copies of your personal health information at any time by contacting me directly. Administration fees may apply. If you would like to request copies or restrict the use/release of your personal health information please contact Cecilia by email at [email protected]

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any concerns about this privacy policy or your personal health information you may contact Cecilia directly. For more information contact the government privacy officer and/or privacy commissioner. 

Online Booking Available

Follow the link below to book your massage today!